Life is growth, and growth means change. 'Thoughtful change' is about creating the conditions in which you have a chance to evolve into the best version of yourself. This isn't about taking chaotic, random, wasteful action. Instead it's about thinking things through, developing a plan you feel comfortable with, using...

When thinking about trying something new, particularly something that has high stakes to it i.e. pursuing a new career path, moving to a new country, starting a business, entering into a long-term committed relationship, it’s natural to have concerns. This is not a bad thing! In fact, having these concerns...

This is the least sensational, yet most important step in living a Balanced life. It’s also an essential step in dealing with everything from Self-Sabotaging Behaviour, developing Healthy Boundaries, transforming fear into power, living an Authentic empowered life, manifesting a new reality to standing in Alignment with your Higherself.…. Honestly,...

Awareness is 80% of the Journey so understanding this one point about Attachment will go a long way in helping you solve the riddle as to why unwanted themes are repeating themselves in your life. There’s a beautiful vine growing over the pergola in my backyard. During the Spring it sends...