Kristina Jansz Life Skills: A key step in maximizing Intention

Intention: Where you look – you will go.

This is a massively important Life’s lesson about the nature of Intention……. and I’ve used it every day since!

Years ago I took up horseback riding. I was very much of a novice rider and on this particular day I was taking jumping lessons.

My instructor drew a line in the sand some distance in front of the first jump and said: “Make sure the horse’s front hooves touch this line! Don’t be any closer to the jump or your horse won’t have enough room to clear it and you will gravely injure your horse!”

You can’t image the fear and panic that rose in me at the thought that I might injure my horse. So, as we came around the corner of the riding ring, I locked my eyes on that line like nothing else in the world existed and I didn’t take them off it. As we neared the jump I peered over my horse’s right shoulder at the line and……. Yes!! Her hoof went right on it and not an inch further. We hit the mark!! Bravo, right?? Unfortunately, no.

What happened next was that my horse landed on that line and then didn’t take another step. I went flying off her, landed hard on the ground and got the wind knocked out of me. I was irate! As I spat sand out of my mouth and tried to catch my breath, I told the instructor that I had done every single thing she had asked and more so, and there (pointing to the sand) was visual proof that my horse’s hoof touched the line.


Where you look, you will go

That’s when she said: “Yes, you did everything right in preparation for taking the jump. You built up all the momentum, got your horse aligned and focused on the jump, but then you kept looking at the line in sand and so that’s where you ended up, on the ground.”

“What you need to do is this”, she continued: “Commit to the jump, do all the necessary preparation but then let go and throw your attention to the next jump that’s coming up, because where you look, you will go.”

Where you look, you will go. Despite all my best efforts, I was looking at the ground, so that’s where I went!


What Intention means for you

Oftentimes, in your attempt to reach your goal, you can become so overly focused on it that all your energy gets locked up. Your Universe shrinks to only include the object of your focus. You lose Context. Creativity stops. Flow ceases. You don’t go any further and the message you’re giving the Universe is that this is your end point.

But that’s completely out of alignment with how Life works. Life is about Flow, and the ease and grace of expressing who you are while being a part of the greater whole. This is a much more energy efficient way of living life because you don’t have to continually be generating momentum from scratch. You just have to tap into what’s already there. Remember the Turtles/East Asia Current in the movie ‘Finding Nemo’?


Preparing for your goal

These simple steps are pure magic for reaching your goal:

  • Be very clear about your goal
  • Do all the necessary preparation. Do it well and with Integrity
  • BREATHE to keep your energy flowing
  • Engage with enthusiasm! Take the step! Get energy flowing!
  • Let go and focus on the NEXT point on the horizon you want to reach. This will allow you to release your attachment to the first goal as an end point, live within a greater context and as a result, keep energy flowing to reach your next goal.
  • Have Faith! Clear the first goal
  • Keep your eyes forward and the momentum going!


This is all about living in alignment with the Laws of the Universe. Whether it’s the beginning of a new year or the start of a new day, developing a product, an idea or a marketing campaign, finding a job or healing a relationship, remember the great inherent power of intention, where you look, you will go.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has wonderful material on the topic of Intention, and much more.


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flourish underline


Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, contact me!

Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies  705 794-9900  |  [email protected]  


(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020

  • Carol Robinson
    Posted at 14:06h, 28 April Reply

    Hi Kristina,
    You and Wayne Dyer are inspirational. Your story in relationship to real life events has meaning and is a great message to understand.
    If we live purposefully with intent to raise ourselves and other up, we cannot help spread a little joy around us! Thank you for sharing!

    • Kristina Jansz
      Posted at 00:40h, 16 June Reply

      Thank you so much, Carol! I’m so happy to know that it was meaningful to you!!

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