A bright background Emotional Wealth Manage your Emotional Currency wisely

Emotional Wealth

  T.Harv Eker’s list “The 13 Biggest Differences between Rich People and Poor People” is speaking about Financial Wealth, but what I find fascinating about it is that there is a whole other level to it. If you replace his references to ‘Financial Wealth’ with ‘Emotional Wealth’, you now have a clear view into the Attitudes and Behaviours of people who live happy, fulfilling, emotionally wealthy lives.

T. Harv Eker’s Financial Wealth // Emotional Wealth

Consider these 5 comparisons I’ve made. T Harv. Eker’s perspective on Financial Wealth is in black and my perspective on Emotional Wealth is in blue.

Financial Wealth: Rich people are committed to being Rich.

Emotional Wealth: Emotionally wealthy people are committed to being Happy. They practice Happiness. They do so by consciously engaging in beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and habits that are aligned with their happiness. They practice Gratitude daily.

Financial Wealth: Rich people see a challenge as an opportunity for growth and success.

Emotional Wealth: Emotionally wealthy people see a challenge/emotional discord as an opportunity for growth and the development of new, usable skills for creating Happiness. They possess a positive, growth-focused, creative-solution attitude. Every snag and road block is seen as a chance to evolve into a more emotionally rich, mature and evolved human being.

Financial Wealth: Rich people manage their money well.

Emotional Wealth: Emotionally wealthy people manage their emotions well. They have developed the awareness and skills needed to maintain a state of emotional balance. They practice stress reduction skills such as Meditation and Conscious Breathing. In doing so, they do not react impulsively. They are able to keep their emotions in check, respond with emotional intelligence and invest their emotions wisely.

Financial Wealth: Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems.

Emotional Wealth: Emotionally wealthy people do not hide from their problems. They refrain from engaging in negativity or blame. You will not find them making their problems the responsibility of others. They step up, take full ownership and resolve issues in a constructive, thoughtful and respectful manner.      

Financial Wealth: Rich people are willing to act in spite of fear.

Emotional Wealth: Emotionally wealthy people face their fears. They have the courage to move towards and through their fears instead of burying them. They are willing to look at themselves. They don’t see fear as a failure but instead as an opportunity to heal and grow.  They leave no stone un-turned in transforming their fears into power  and do not hesitate to reach out for help and support when needed. They understand very well, the power they hold within.

What do they have in Common?

The common denominator between Financial Wealth and Emotional Wealth: Choice and Attitude.

Emotional Wealth is a Mindset, and one that is available to everyone. What we know from Neuroplasticity/ Brian Science today is that you can train your brain to be anything you choose: Optimistic, Creative, Productive, Negative, Apathetic, Defeatist…. Anything!

We also know that:

  1. Whatever your brain is told over and over again, it will believe to be true
  2. Whatever your Brain believes to be true, will become your Reality

Building Emotional Wealth

Another important step to building Emotional Wealth is to invest your emotional ‘currency’ wisely. No doubt, before investing your hard earned money, you research the investment well. You evaluate how much you are willing to invest and what the chances are that your investment will grow. If you knew with absolute certainty that you would lose most or all of your money in a that investment, you probably wouldn’t invest in it.

In the same way, to build emotional wealth, you must give strong consideration as to how you are investing your emotional currency/energy throughout the day/week and invest wisely. Will you come out emotionally richer or poorer/drained as a result of the the thought pattern, or interaction? Gossip, bickering, negative self talk, engaging in disrespectful interactions, abusive relationships etc.,  you’ll see no returns on these emotional investments.

Key Characteristics of Emotionally Mature People

Warren Buffet, well know for his financial brilliance, has learned how to manage his emotional currency well, too. Please note that this list was originally credited to Warren Buffet however there is now some debate about this. Nonetheless, it’s a great list of Life Tips:

The Smartest people I know

  • Don’t get easily offended
  • Read more than they talk
  • Enjoy intelligent discourse
  • Quickly admit when they’re wrong
  • Comfortable changing their opinion
  • Surround themselves w/ intelligence
  • Seek to understand every perspective on a topic

Signs of Maturity

  • You argue less
  • You listen more
  • You don’t force love
  • You don’t judge others
  • You become more open-minded
  • You prefer to be silent than to engage in a nonsense conversation
  • Your happiness doesn’t depend on people, but from your inner self
  • You respect difference

Advice for the all the young people

  • Read and write more
  • Stay healthy and fit
  • Networking is about giving
  • Practice public speaking
  • Stay teachable
  • Find a mentor
  • Keep in touch with friends
  • You are not your job
  • Know when to leave
  • Don’t spend what you don’t have

Whether you’re choosing to be Financially Wealthy, Emotionally Wealthy or both, the choices you make, the attitude you maintain, and the behaviours you engage in, have the power to deliver powerful results.

Great Resources

1. T.Harv Eker: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

2. Daniel Goleman’s book: Emotional Intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ

3. Yurika Vu’s post on Life Hack: How to Manage your Emotional Energy for your Mental Wellbeing

4. Harvard Business School: Why Emotional Intelligence is important in Leadership 

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Self-care, Mindfulness, Stress- management

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Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, please contact me:

Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies  705 794-9900  |  [email protected]

(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020-2050

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