25 Feb You have a Superpower!
One of the most powerful tools you have in your toolkit for living life well, is your Attention. I wonder if you’ve ever thought of it that way? Simply put, whatever you put your Attention on, whatever you focus on, grows.
What makes it a Superpower is when you recognize that it’s you alone who gets to choose what you put your Attention on. You can choose whatever you want! You can focus your Attention on things that make you sad and hopeless, motivated and excited, confident and empowered…..you get to choose what your experience of life is going to be by what you put your Attention on.
Try this Simple Exercise
As a way of determining the kind of day you want to have, a simple but highly effective exercise is to start your day by focusing on 3 things that bring you Joy. Focus on those 3 things for a little while and feel all the beautiful, joyous, loving emotions associated with them fill you from head to toe.
That’s it. Sounds simple enough, right? It’s what happens next, that’s really important.
Like most people, you’re going to experience things in your day that challenge you from staying in that uplifted, high-frequency state of Joy, everything from a sick child to your boss giving you more work on a tight deadline, a disturbing argument, global health issues etc. etc. This is life. You can’t escape events like this from happening, HOWEVER you can choose the extent to which you’re going to allow them to affect you/pull you down.
ENGAGE your Superpower
This is where you’ll want to engage your Superpower: Attention.
Throughout the day, regularly take your Attention back to those 3 things that bring you Joy. In doing so, you’re Resetting your brain to function all day long from your preferred mindset. A great way to set yourself up for success with this, is to set notifications on your phone as a reminder to focus on those 3 things. You’ll find that depending on where you are in your day, you’ll be able to focus on them for a shorter or longer period of time. It doesn’t matter, just keep taking your Attention back to those 3 things that bring you Joy.
At first, it might not seem like you’re doing much, but in a curiously short period of time, you will have trained your brain to function from a more positive, uplifted state. You will have trained your brain to work FOR you. If you want to set the bar higher, do this for a week or a month. You’ll definitely notice a difference in your mindset!
Why is this important? Because whatever your brain focuses on, becomes your Reality. That is a huge statement! Whatever you choose to focus on, will become the Life you live. There truly are not enough words to describe how powerful this exercise is. Try it and experience how you can utilize your Superpower to experience life on your terms!
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Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, please call me.
Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies 705 794-9900 | [email protected]
(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020-2050
Waiver of Liability: This article is not meant to diagnose or to be a guide for self-diagnosis. The sole purpose of this article is strictly for educational purposes. This Waiver of Liability releases Kristina Jansz, Titans International Inc. and all its Representatives from any and all liability for and waive any and all claims for liability, injury, illness, loss, death, damages, expense, including lawyer’s fees, or other loss in any way connected with Ms Jansz’s Counseling/Coaching Programs, Workshops, Blog Posts and other Activities, whether or not caused in whole or in part by the negligence including gross negligence or other by Kristina Jansz, Titans International Inc. or its Representatives.
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