Be Different. Embrace what makes you Unique

Embrace your Uniqueness

Dream big? Yes. Persevere against all odds? Absolutely! Whatever you do, don’t let the opinions of others convince you to walk away from the things you’re passionate about…..even if that means being different.

You have to be Different, to make a Difference

one red cutout in a group of gray cutouts

Bringing an idea into being, before it has hit mainstream society, means that you have to get comfortable with being different. You are going to be thinking, seeing and experiencing things differently than others. And while it might be uncomfortable at times, you have to be okay with not being like everyone else.

Stand up for what you believe. Celebrate what makes you different! To do anything else will feel like you’re not being true to yourself. Embrace your uniqueness wholeheartedly because that’s where your gifts lie. 

Our human history is jeweled with those who had the courage to be different and used their lives to make a difference. Read and draw strength from the journeys of Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Marie Curie, Leonardo Di Vinci, Mozart, Harriet Tubman and so many more. Biography online has a formidable list of people who dared to be different, and in doing so changed the world. And then, there are so many more whose names never make the lists. They may be in your families, schools and communities. Seek them out. Listen to their stories. Be inspired by their journeys.

‘A ship in a harbor is safe, but that’s not what a ship is built for’ – Unknown

The world of tomorrow needs you to have the courage today, to believe in your dreams, to chance the impossible and dare us to envision a better future.

Remember this: Genius, the evolution of ideas, the spark that keeps us moving forward and creating new possibilities, all of these lie on the other side of the comfort zone.


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Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, please call me.

Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies  705 794-9900  |  [email protected]

(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020

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