21 Nov Introverts are Better Leaders than Extroverts
Think Introverts are shy, anxious and won’t amount to anything in this highly competitive world? Think again! In Geoffrey James’s article, he quotes the findings of The International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development stating that in fact, Introverts are Better Leaders than Extroverts. Why?:
- They think before they speak
- Comfortable with silence
- Are better listeners
- Empower others
- Great at making connections
- Have the capacity to understand the needs of others
- Deeper thinkers, problem solvers
- Are able to share the spotlight (introverts don’t like the spotlight on themselves)
- Prefer writing to talking
- And are calmer in a crisis
An Impressive List
Very Well Mind describes Introverts like this: ” The word introvert is used to describe someone who tends to turn inward, meaning they focus more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.”
Vocabulary.com describes an Introvert as a person who “tends to turn inward mentally and feels more energized by time alone.”
John Rampton’s impressive list of 23 of The Most Amazingly Successful Introverts in history should make us all think twice about the quiet person in the room, at the business meeting or holiday function. You never know who may be seated beside you!
- Albert Einstein
- Rosa Parks
- Bill Gates
- Steven Spielberg
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Larry Page
- Al Gore
- Marissa Mayer
- Abraham Lincoln
- JK Rowling
- Warren Buffett
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Hillary Clinton
- Michael Jordan
- Charles Darwin
- Meryl Streep
- Elon Musk
- Dr. Seuss
- Frederic Chopin
- Steve Wozniak
- Barack Obama
- Ruth Bader Ginsberg
- Marissa Mayer
- Oprah Winfrey
- Amy Shumer
Some might find it hard to believe that this list of phenomenally talented people, who have made such an incredible contribution to the world, would be titled ‘Introverts’.
Key takeaway: ‘Quiet’ does not necessarily mean ‘without the ability to make a difference’.
Great Resources
1. Forbes: “Silent Leadership: How Introverts can be Excellent leaders despite societal Stereotypes”
2. Here’s a great post from Healthline: What an Introvert is – and isn’t
3. Who would have thought that Oprah Winfrey and Amy Shumer are Introverts?: Oprah and Amy Shumer on being Secret Introverts
4. WebMD has a short but really good post out on Signs you may be an Introvert etc.
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Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies
Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, please contact me:
Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies 705 794-9900 | [email protected]
(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020-50
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