Don’t just have ‘a Resume’

Don’t just have ‘a Resume’. Make sure that your Resume presents you in the best possible light: one that clearly communicates your value, that speaks not only to what you will bring to the position but also the ways in which you want to grow and develop professionally.

Your Resume must speak for you when you are not there. In today’s job market this means that it has to communicate not only factual information but also Emotional Intelligence. It needs to be a document of such high value and professional integrity that it can’t be put to the side or the bottom of the pile.

You goal must be that when the Managers who are short listing the incoming Resumes read your Resume, they say: “Who is this?? I absolutely have to meet this candidate.”

That’s the first step.

Next is the Interview

Your Interview Skills need to be stratospherically great. If the way in which you present yourself in the Interview doesn’t match the quality of your Resume, you won’t be hired. There has to be a seamless consistency to how you present yourself on paper, as well as in person.

Remember, you are expected to be a little nervous in an Interview, and you’re not expected to have all the answers however, HOW you come across is critically important. The interviewers have already got most of the facts about you from your Resume. Now they want to get ‘a read’ on you, to get a sense of you in ways a Resume can’t tell them: your ability to connect with others, your energy, attitude, honesty, professionalism, mood/mindset, ability to communicate etc.

What does this mean?

It means, RAISE THE BAR. Train, research, reach out for help, work with a Professional Career Coach, do the work! Bring the highest quality of effort to developing your Resume, Cover Letter and Interview Skills, so that you increase, and know, your value BEFORE applying for the position.

That’s not all. This also includes elevating how you present yourself: how you walk into the interview, shake hands, eye contact, how you sit, speak, dress, your professional composure, your mental clarity, your emotional integrity and sincerity. Everything counts.

It also means that you’ve done your research on the company: learned about their Mission and Vision Statements, their history, corporate values/what’s important to them, their corporate culture etc.

Trust me when I say, all your preparation efforts will show in the Interview. You will stand out from the crowd. You will increase your Value. You will be impossible to ignore!! You will have to be taken seriously.

Great Resources

Global  employment website Indeed has a couple of posts you may want to read when preparing for Interviews. They are standard points but a good review nonetheless: 14 Tips to Improve your Interview Skills   and 11 Common Interview Mistakes and How to avoid them .

I also strongly recommend that you practice difficult Interview questions and Mighty Recruiter has The 50 Toughest Interview Questions for you to work with.


Wishing you the GREATEST Career success! – Kristina Jansz



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Could you be Sabotaging your Career without knowing it? 

4 Steps to Delivering a Winning Interview 

It’s time to raise the Bar on Work

Self-care, Mindfulness, Stress-management, Daily Practice

A Key condition for Growth: Your Hunger must be Greater than your Fears

Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies



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Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, contact me!

Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies  705 794-9900  |  [email protected]

(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020-2050

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