16 Sep Are you thinking of using AI to write your Resume?
I get it. Writing about yourself is difficult. Making it sound professional can be even harder. So, it’s not surprising that many people are looking to AI for help with writing their Resumes. If you’re thinking of using AI to write your Resume, please consider the following.
I am a professional Career Counselor and have spent many years helping people develop professional Resumes that are a clear and very professional reflection of who they are and what they are bringing to the table.
Lately, I’ve been noticing that many people are using AI to write part or all of their Resumes. While this may be very helpful short term (in the sense of actually getting your Resume written), you may be doing yourself a disservice in the long run.
The problem is that while AI will give you perfectly composed and grammatically correct phrases, it is devoid of the humanness that shines through when actually written by a human being.
In the past year, I have seen an increasing number of Resumes where AI has been used, and you know what? It shows. And not in a good way. I recently said to a client who had used AI to write his Resume: “I can’t find the human being in your Resume.” AI gave it a clinical, exacting description of his skills and professional history, in perfectly constructed sentences, but he himself, the actual *person* who was applying for the job didn’t come through, at all. I couldn’t get a sense of the human being through AI written Resume.
Additionally, all the AI written Resumes I’ve read sound very similar, even though the industries and job positions were completely different. You can understand why this would be concerning for the applicant who wants to stand out from the crowd of other people who have also applied for the same position.
Why is this important?
Here are some Important points to consider:
- Hiring someone to work in a company is a HUGE expenditure of time, money and resources, and it stands to reason that the employer to whom you’re submitting your Resume, isn’t looking to hire an AI robot. They want a *person*. They want to find the best skilled, capable, emotionally intelligent, reliable, dedicated and hardworking Human to be a part of their team, and until you get to the Interview stage, your Resume and Cover Letter have communicate these human qualities for you. Keep in mind that when reading your Resume, the employer is looking to get a sense of who *You* are. They are not looking for a perfect, emotionless AI constructed version of you. They want to get a sense of the real You.
- Emotional Intelligence is a quality that employers value highly. It won’t work to simply state that you have Emotional Intelligence. You have to demonstrate it at every stage, including through the writing of your Resume. Clinical AI statements, won’t do that for you, at least not at this point.
- Credibility is King. In order to be awarded a job, you have to be credible i.e. You have to match your Resume. If you rely on AI to write a clinical, perfectly crafted Resume and then present yourself in the Interview in a way that doesn’t match your AI Resume, through the Interviewer’s eyes, you will lack credibility and won’t progress to the next stage of the Interview process.
So, what do you do?
If you are struggling with writing your Resume and need help, absolutely, reach out to AI for some ideas on how to approach composing a thought. However, don’t stop there. Next, take the statement AI gives you and *put it in your own words*. This means, Personalize it. Humanize it. Write it in your own voice. Let the reader get a true sense of who you are. Present yourself as the genuine, authentic and professional person you are.
There’s no question about it, AI is going to impact every aspect of our lives and to be sure, more and more people will be relying on AI to write Resumes. If you take into consideration the points I’ve mentioned here, you are going to stand out from the crowd by being authentic, credible and trustworthy. The more Robotic society becomes, the greater the appeal will be for real, unique, authentic human beings.
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Thank you for taking time to read this post! The right information at the right time is a most powerful catalyst for change. For Coaching, Workshops or an Inspiring Talk on this valuable topic, contact me!
Kristina Jansz, Life Skills and Empowerment Strategies 705 794-9900 | [email protected]
(c) Titans International Inc. Kristina Jansz 2019, 2020-2050
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